
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

40% of 6th Graders Not Paying Outdoor Education Fee

We have known for some time that there are a lot of MCPS 6th graders that do not participate in Outdoor Education.  

The above chart shows the numbers.  The blue column shows how many 6th graders were enrolled in MCPS each year.  The red line shows how many students paid the $76 fee imposed by the Board of Education in 2004.  All numbers were obtained from MCPS Operating Budget documents

On average about 4,000 MCPS 6th graders are not participating in Outdoor Education every year according to this budget data.  That's a pretty stunning number since MCPS is using Outdoor Education to satisfy the State of Maryland's environmental learning module requirement. If the students don't go on the Outdoor Education trip, they won't have completed the requirement for middle school.  

Oh, and the Outdoor Education program in Frederick County Public Schools is free to all students.


  1. I think the $76 is a suggested fee. There are some schools in Montgomery County that charge upwards of $80 for outdoor ed.

    1. No. The BOE actually took a vote on this fee. Is your point that BOE votes are a joke? Well, OK. But, the actual BOE vote was for a fee of $76. Over $76 is ripping off students, plain and simple.

  2. The BOE vote is a joke. Ridgeview MS charges more than the $76.00.
    So yes, they are ripping of students.

    1. Thank you for that link. No "confidential letter" is needed to attend this curricular event for free. MCPS has no right to your personal family finances. None.

      Just give the teacher a copy of the Maryland Constitution and tell him/her that your child is entitled to a free public education. Period.


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