
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Deasy + iPADs + Pearson = FAIL

John Deasy = former Prince George's County Public School's superintendent with the resume issues.

Pearson = of the Jerry Weast + Pearson connection

The Washington Post: Student hackers lead L.A. schools to halt major iPad initiative
The $1 billion initiative by the Los Angeles public schools district to give an iPad to all 650,000 students and teachers for home use has hit a snag that, in hindsight, someone should have seen coming: student hackers.
According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, officials in the country’s second-largest school district stopped allowing home use of the iPads this week because high school students had hacked into the devices and used them for non-educational purposes such as tweeting, checking their Facebook accounts and streaming music.
...Students were supposed to use the iPads, each loaded with software designed by Pearson Education...
...The iPad initiative has proved controversial. Some critics said the school district was spending too much money on technology that might have little impact on student achievement...

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