
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Post: Special education fights pit parents against Montgomery County

Montgomery is home to about 12 percent of Maryland’s disabled students but accounted for about half the state’s special education disputes from 2010 to 2012. The county, with nearly 40 cases, had more special education due-process hearings that went to a judge for resolution than all Virginia school systems combined.


  1. In the article, according to Gwen Mason, Director, Department of Special Education Services, MCPS, the reason there are more legal battles regarding MCPS and special needs students in Montgomery County is because we have more lawyers in Montgomery County than other jurisdictions, such as Fairfax County. This is MCPS’s response? The reason there is more legal action is because MCPS would rather litigate than educate.

    1. I don't believe she meant there are more lawyers in the County but insinuated that we have "a community of informed parents with access to resources." How false that the parents are blamed for being informed. If MCPS treated parents fairly and offered appropriate options, the parents would not be litigious. Rather, it is my experience that the parents are angry and frustrated and forced to battle the system. And, I don't think that the "wrapping up a survey" will resolve this deep ingrained culture to bully parents of special ed students. Gwen Mason needs to be honest and stop the cover up.


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