
Monday, December 9, 2013

Historian of education unable to remember meeting with Superintendent Starr

Professor Diane Ravitch, a former Assistant Secretary of Education and self-described "historian of education" is apparently having some problems remembering recent history.

In a series of tweets this week, Professor Ravitch initially denied meeting with Superintendent Starr. But after the Parents' Coalition shared one of Starr's travel expense receipts with Ravitch, she suddenly recalled her coffee date with the Superintendent.

Why was Professor Ravitch unable to remember the meeting until she was confronted with the taxi receipt?  Is the nearly seven foot tall superintendent really not that memorable?

Superitendent Starr's taxi receipt provided courtesy of the MCPS Public Information Office


  1. Perhaps when Starr wrote “DRAVITCH MTG,” he meant “Dr. A. V. [for] itch, meeting.” Starr may have a pesky medical condition requiring treatment with a prescription ointment.

  2. Not sure that I'd consider "coffee" as a "meeting."

    1. You realize this "coffee" was in NYC? Joshua Starr works in Montgomery County. It's not like he just walked around the corner to say hi.

      Ms. Ravitch considered it a meeting. She even remembers, now, what was discussed. The receipt for the cab ride apparently jogged her memory. Note that Ms. Ravitch apparently has representation on the NY Mayor's transition team that is selecting the next NYC Chancellor.

      Diane Ravitch

      @PCMC1 Josh Starr and I discussed education policy, esp high-stakes testing & accountability. Is that worth $38.90 to taxpayers? I think so

    2. So why are we, the taxpayers, footing the bill so Starr can grease the wheels (and maybe some palms) of insiders that might recommend him for a non-Montgomery County position?

  3. Who benefits from the Starr alignment with Ravitch? Certainly not the children of Montgomery Public Schools, who paid for his day in the big Apple.


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