
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Breaking News: Starr calls Joynes allegations "very disturbing" in closed meeting

On August 15, 2013, Superintendent Joshua Starr commented on the arrest of long time MCPS music teacher Lawrence Joynes.  He made these comments at a meeting for MCPS administrators.

The meeting was not open to the public and these comments were not made public as part of a press release.  Superintendent Starr's comments were recorded and placed on YouTube as an unlisted video. If you look at the "share" function on this video it says:
This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.

Did Superintendent Starr forget to Tweet this video out to staff, parents and the public?

As of today, this video has only been viewed 332 times.  There are 22,236 employees in MCPS.
There has been no public response from Superintendent Starr or the Board of Education to the arrest and Baltimore County conviction of MCPS music teacher Lawrence Joynes. There has been no task force, and no outreach to victims.


  1. “Very disturbing?” Why not bypass the bureaucratic chain of command altogether and call 911?
    “Additional training?”

  2. Joshua Starr isn't from Maryland. He's a little confused about the laws and policies in our State and County...

    Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and/or Child Neglect
    1. Any employee of the Montgomery County Public Schools who has reason to
    believe that a child has been abused and/or neglected shall report this suspicion at
    once to Protective Services of the Department of Social Services which maintains
    24-hour telephone service and/or to the Youth Division of the Montgomery County
    Police Department.
    2. The telephone numbers are available in each school's main office. The office staff
    is responsible for keeping the telephone numbers current.
    3. Any doubt about reporting suspected child abuse and/or child neglect is to be
    resolved in favor of the child. Protective Services staff is available for consultation,
    and such consultation is encouraged...

  3. He's not that confused. He knows enough to know that in Montgomery County the laws don't apply.

  4. " . . . badly written and randomly enforced." Frank Zappa


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