Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Watkins Mill HS gets bill in Annapolis to fund stadium renovation

Typically, the Board of Education takes care of BOE property through the MCPS Capital Budget.  But, this year we see Delegates and Senators proposing legislation to specifically fund the renovation of one particular high school stadium.
What does this mean?  Does it mean that if the BOE doesn't take care of school property the State legislature will step in to fund renovations outside of the MCPS Capital Budget?  Are there any more of these bills in Annapolis? 


  1. Wow, A bond bill for a whopping total of $22,000. Not worth the time it has already taken on the part of our Legislators, or the time it will take the staff of the Board of Public Works, our local Government, or the School System.

    This is Bad Government & Bad Financial Management

    Please note that this is substantially less than the amount MCPS stole from the students at Rock Terrace. Even less than the cost of the "sleazy low ball settlement" MCPS has committed to.

    Hey Josh Starr, Larry Bowers, and Phil Kaufman - an idea. Just steal the $22,000 from the IAF at Watkins Mill, and then pay those kids back pennies on the dollar, and call it a day....

    Bob Astrove

  2. And the kids at Twinbrook and Maryvale who are in substandard and unsafe buildings and lacking in the IT and other resources enjoyed by other schools can go f--k themselves? NICE.

    1. Oh, no, the kids in those schools are still expected to learn all the same stuff as the well-resourced schools and score just as high on the tests come Spring.

      And don't forget that Carl Sandburg is to be co-located with Maryvale in the future, assuming the renovation can begin sometime this decade. That's a whole other school - and population! - that hasn't exactly gotten its fair share of renovation $$.

  3. The Watkins Mills High School special bond bill has been withdrawn.

    House Bill withdrawn

    Senate bill withdrawn


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