
Monday, March 17, 2014

Sign the Petition!

From our friends at Real Food...

Real Food For Kids - Montgomery (RFKM) is a grassroots parent advocacy group promoting whole, delicious, fresh and nutrient-rich foods in the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). Formed in October of 2012,  it has now grown to over 1200 supporters and members in 128 schools in MCPS.
Over the last year, RFKM has been building its grassroots support to advocate for better school food for our children. Now is the moment that we are bringing it all together with an online petition designed to show support for our priorities by parents, students, community members, businesses, churches, health care providers, organizations and educators in the county. We will collect signatures over the next 2 months, then plan to deliver them to the Board of Education and Superintendent Starr at a BOE meeting in May, with hopefully many of you in attendance. 
We are counting on our supporters for this advocacy campaign to be a success! Please sign, have your spouse and kids sign, share it on Facebook, tweet it and e-mail it to all your friends in MCPS.  To sign, go to:
For more information about RFKM, see or call 301-202-4812.

Thank you! 
Karen Devitt and Lindsey Parsons
Real Food For Kids - Montgomery

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