
Monday, March 17, 2014

Sunshine Week


  1. When you look in his eyes you can see where the truth lies.

  2. This cartoon is just too true in MoCo these days.

    For years we've been told that MoCo is above sleazy deal making. We've looked down on Prince George's and The District with an air of superiority. But this era of MoCo back room deal making really began under Duncan and has been allowed to continue under County Executive Leggett's administration.

    Citizens can't keep up with all the deals. And Council is too preoccupied with their own pandering to truly do oversight. Their plate is too full and the pace has become too fast for these 9 to actually review and absorb the details. There is plenty of capable staff, but somehow the special interests overwhelm the facts with simplistic arguments which are often bolstered with "whipped-up" public opinion.

    If you doubt, try to understand the details of the Rapid Transit Steering Committee or the various P3s which are being run out of DED and DGS....where is the sun light and open government promised by County officials?


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