
Friday, March 21, 2014

Will Sen. Frosh Kill Bill with Maximum Protection for Kids?

Dear Senator Frosh,

As the Chair of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee you now hold the key to what will happen this year with regard to closing the existing loop holes in Maryland law with regard to sexual abuse of teens by persons in positions of authority.

The Maryland House passed a bill that would provide maximum protection for kids, the Maryland Senate passed a bill that would provide minimum protection. Will you support conforming the Senate bill to the House bill with maximum protections?

The differences in the Senate and House bills comes down to the differences in the definition of a person in a position of authority and penalties.

House bill: Person in position of authority would expand current law to include part-time teachers, coaches in recreational programs and volunteers.

Senate bill: Person in position of authority would expand current law to only include part-time teachers and penalties would be lessened.

Will your Committee take the amendments in the House bill and include coaches and volunteers as persons in positions of authority, as we know that in some cases coaches and volunteers may indeed be molesters?  Will your Committee take the amendments in the House bill to provide maximum penalties for offenders?

The House Judiciary Committee has already scheduled a public hearing for March 26th.  Will your Committee hold a public hearing on the House bill so that the public can weigh in on the differences in these bills prior to the next vote?

The Maryland legislative session is short and this year's session is moving toward conclusion.  Parents are watching to see if existing loop holes in current Maryland law will be eliminated this year, or if we must wait for a future legislature to stand up for maximum protection of our children.

Janis Sartucci

1 comment:

  1. I think the answer lies with Samuel Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot.'


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