
Monday, April 14, 2014

Andrews: Good government requires that elected officials ensure that communities are involved in a meaningful way in the decisions that affect them.

Potomac Almanac Letter to the Editor: In the Public’s Interest

Thank you for the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Coalition recently to discuss a wide range of issues affecting our county. I enjoyed the discussion.Good government requires that elected officials ensure that communities are involved in a meaningful way in the decisions that affect them. Public trust in government erodes when government leaders make deals behind closed doors, as the Brickyard community knows all too well. As a member of the County Council since 1998, I have worked openly and closely with many communities on a broad range of issues that affect them. I was one of the County Councilmembers who sent a letter publicly urging County Executive Leggett to work with the Coalition to find a mutually acceptable use of the Brickyard Road site...


  1. Phil is right. The culture of MoCo has become an insider game---a game that many county employees eagerly support. This makes their lives easier while garnering the appreciation of the power brokers. Take a look at the Rapid Transit Steering Committee for the most recent example of a county effort which is being directed by private interests---all with the encouragement of DOT and Executive Branch employees.

    1. I feel the same about the Special Education/Dispute Process. Parents are told that the "Team" has decided but no individual decider steps forward and presents specific reasons. Decisions therefore become political and subjective. What ever happened to the concept, "The buck stops here."

    2. by 'Executive Branch employees' I assume you mean Ike Leggett. He, along with Marc Elrich, is the prime mover behind this boondoggle which will cost taxpayers billions, subsidies to insider developers.


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