
Monday, April 14, 2014

Introduction: Child Protection Advocate

To all who are concerned about the safety of our children in ours schools....

I am a concerned parent and nurse advocate for the School Abuse victims in Montgomery County Public Schools.  I was motivated to take action when a close friend shared that her son was bullied over years at a County elementary school.  She later found out in a publicly posted letter to the Maryland State's Attorney office, that as a second grader he had been forcibly taken by the school's principal into a windowless closet ....her second grade son was alone in the closet with the principal....screaming, violently objecting.....for 30 minutes...this was witnessed by the school administrative secretary.

There was no response from MCPS administrators or the Board of Education.  My friend's son at age 13 is traumatized and unable to go to school.   Based on documents released to the public as part of litigation, her son was one of several closet victims at this school.  We believe that these other children's families were never notified that their children were alone with the principal in a closet despite teachers and other adults notifying Child Protective Services (CPS) on numerous occasions.

My friend and her son's mental health professionals all notified CPS with no response.  The Police were also repeatedly notified.  In this case no investigations or arrests were made despite heroic efforts by alarmed parents over a 2 year period. 

I have been trying to figure out a way for the families of the other closet victims to be notified via child advocacy no avail.  In addition to this situation I have become aware of the widespread school sexual abuse in the County...the media has reported on at least 8 separate arrests in school abuse cases of County personnel over an 18 month period from 2012-2013.  These are referenced on the Parents' Coalition site

Please email me at mcsaavs [at] if you would like to become involved in school abuse prevention and/or providing support for school abuse victims/families.  As a trainer for the Maryland Enough Abuse Campaign I can also provide a one hour child sexual abuse prevention program for any of the PTA's in the County.   

Lets hope for a brighter, safer future for our children in Montgomery County!

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