
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Breaking: Council Report on Performance of MCPS High Schools Released Today

Some of the questions presented in this report:  
With regard to this study, the County Council is especially interested in understanding MCPS’ investments aimed at narrowing the achievement gap among the County’s high schools. Toward this end, OLO recommends the following questions for discussion with MCPS representatives:

• What strategies are underway to improve student performance among MCPS’ high-poverty
high schools, particularly among the measures reviewed in this report?
• To what extent has MCPS realigned existing resources to support improved performance in
high-poverty high schools? What realignments are proposed for the FY15 budget?
• What progress does MCPS anticipate in the short-term and the long-term in narrowing the high school achievement gap by school poverty based on current investments?
• How will MCPS use data and evaluation to determine the efficacy of its efforts to narrow the achievement gap among its high- and low-poverty high schools? 

Superintendent Joshua Starr's response to this report is at the end of this document. 

1 comment:

  1. The Civic Fed will be having a program on the OLO report this spring. Stay tuned, thanks.


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