
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Senator Bobby Zirkin says just 6 people will decide if Maryland children deserve protection from coach/volunteer sexual predators

The Maryland House unanimously voted to protect children from sexual predators when they are Persons in Positions of Authority as in teachers (part-time and full time) coaches, volunteers and recreational program staff.  But, Senator Zirkin and other Senators wouldn't agree to provide that protection to children and the proposed legislation is now headed to a Conference Committee on Monday, April 7th.  Monday is the very last day of the 2014 legislative session, and the very last day for Maryland children to obtain protection from sexual predators.  

Senator Zirkin says just 6 people will not decide the fate of Maryland children. Those 6 people will make this decision without the public watching.  What will happen in the Conference Committee on Monday? 

Are Senator Jamie Raskin and Senator Brian Frosh (running for MD Atty Gen) lobbying this committee for a strong bill, or have they washed their hands of this legislation?


  1. Instead of seeking children protection from casual predators, we should be seeking protection from career politicians.

  2. Beware of committees behind closed doors:

    1. What's wrong with marijuana decriminalization?

    2. Sexual predators can use it to lure minors etc. . .

  3. “Sen. Jamie Raskin said Monday he considers it the best medical marijuana legislation in the country.” !!!


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