
Monday, June 23, 2014

The BOE isn't Communicating with about 90%* of Montgomery County

Today, the Board of Education released a memorandum from Superintendent Joshua Starr's doctoral resident.

In the memorandum Starr's doctoral resident surveys Board of Education members.

One of the questions asked of Board members was to name populations that Board communication efforts are not reaching.

According to Board of Education members they aren't reaching about 90% of Montgomery County residents.

*90% is just our guess of the percentage of Montgomery County residents that are included in this extensive list.


  1. That memo is quite the work product. For example, the last page lists "strengths" of individual Board members; apparently Mr. Christopher Barclay's strengths include "Tapping into the heart of people." Seriously.

    1. I they meant to say that Christopher Barclay has been "Tapping into the wallets of people." Seriously.

    2. It's disheartening to think that Chris Barclay has another 2 years on the BOE. In recent days, he has been campaigning via high school graduation ceremonies for schools in his district. He always takes the time to speak (I guess he can't be stopped?). He also sings. Yes, you read it correctly, he sings. He sings "This little light of mine," and invites the audience to join in.

      He can carry a tune well enough, but I am not sure how many votes that will win him.

    3. I hope this doesn't mean that we are also stuck with Starr too. Barclay is a big Starr cheerleader. If this BOE has any brains they will not renew his contract. Starr and his band of idiots are destroying the school system.

  2. It seems that the BOE doubles up as an intelligence incubator.

  3. I wonder how much this approximate 90% population overlaps with the approximately 80% of the county population who were able to vote but didn't, choosing instead, 'none of the above.'


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