
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It's Time to Put an End to No Bid Purchases and Excessive Dues from BOE Club! No More MABE!

2013 MABE Conference in Ocean City (MABE)
Another day and another MABE "partner".

No thanks MABE! 

What is MABE?

MABE is the Maryland Association of Boards of Education.  It is a private club that taxpayers fund. Each Board of Education in the State of Maryland belongs to MABE with the notable exception of the Maryland State Board of Education who dropped out of the club in 2012.

Each Board of Education uses tax dollars to pay their MABE dues.
What do dues cost?
Here is what MCPS' Board of Education has paid into this private club over the last 6 years.

FY 2015  $66,354
FY 2014  $68,401
FY 2013  $41,986
FY 2012  $48,062
FY 2011  $47,017
FY 2010  $47,602

MABE 2013 Conference in Ocean City (MABE)

In recent years MABE has been "partnering" with companies that have things to "sell" to Boards of Education.


Each year MABE holds a conference in Ocean City and on top of the dues above, tax payers fund the OC Party! (Click link for PICTURES from 2013 junket.)

While at the conference MABE "partners" have unrestricted access to BOE members.  Parents? You aren't there and don't have a voice in these procurement decisions.  

Milestone Communications
at MABE 2013 (MABE)
How is this impacting Maryland public school systems?  MABE partnered with Milestone Communications in 2011 and now 9 Boards of Education in the State of Maryland have turned over their public school playgrounds for commercial development.  Bids? Public Notice? Public discussion?

Below is MABE's latest announcement of a "partner."  Besides Milestone Communications, MABE has also partnered with BoardDocs and you will notice that MCPS suddenly is using the BoardDocs product to post their BOE meeting agendas and minutes.  Did we all miss the bids for this procurement?
What is this MABE "partner" costing taxpayers?

MABE is diverting precious public school education dollars away from classrooms through unnecessary dues, countless conventions and meetings, and by the circumvention of the public bidding process.

It's time to just say NO to MABE! 

MABE Ocean City Conference 2013 (MABE) 

Here are Superintendent Joshua Starr's charges at the MABE Ocean City event last year

Remember the lavish meal in Ocean City charged on a MCPS credit card? That took place during the MABE convention.

Here is the newest MABE "partner."

1 comment:

  1. So why, as a taxpayer and MCPS parent, would I want $60,000+ tax dollars spent on MABE dues and God knows how much on ancillary expenses (dinners, hotels, etc.) just so Starr and the BOE can dine on lobster tail, while being sold, by the likes of Milestone Communications, on the virtues of a cell tower at every school??? This must end NOW.


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