
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Exclusive: Parents' Coalition Releases Cell Tower Deal Documents from Across the State

Daly Elementary School playground
Germantown, MD
The PTA and neighbors opposed
the construction of this cell tower.
The MCPS Board of Education
built the tower anyway.
The Parents' Coalition has conducted Maryland Public Information Act requests in all of the 9 public school counties in the State of Maryland that have entered into deals with the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) partner Milestone Communications.

These never before seen documents are available now only through the Parents' Coalition.  Even the local public school systems that have entered into these deals have not made all of these documents available to their parents and citizens.

The Parents' Coalition does not believe that these public school documents should be a secret.

When compared, we immediately see that there are only two Boards of Education, Anne Arundel and Prince George's, that have entered into the unruly and overreaching "Master Agreement" that purports to turn over virtually all county Board of Education property to Milestone Communications for use as cell tower sites.

The "Master Agreements" attempt to eliminate the ability of all parents and citizens countywide to participate and be heard in decisions regarding construction on their local public school playground.

Parents in Anne Arundel County and Prince George's County are just now finding out the surprising news that their local public school playground is on a list of potential cell tower sites being marketed to telecommunications companies.

Under these "Master Agreements" each public school playground is available for the construction of up to three cell tower compounds!  Yes, THREE per playground!

Click the link below for all of the MABE partner Milestone Communications documents that we have obtained.

Documents: Milestone Communications - Cell Towers on Public School Land in Maryland


  1. Kudos again to Parents' Coalition for sunlighting these secrets. The fact alone that they have been secrets indicates that Milestone, MABE, local BOEs and superintendents know that cell tower installations are wrong and that parents (when informed) will say NO.

  2. What, if any, is the financial relationship between MABE and Milestone Communications? Does Milestone fund MABE in any way?

    1. Yes. We don't know the dollar amount, Francis Glendening isn't telling. But, we know the purpose of the MABE partnerships are to fund some of the organization costs.
      We know the MABE partners buy the alcohol at the annual Ocean City conference. How cool is that? Board of Education members get to drink alcohol but it isn't paid for out of taxpayer dollars. The "partners" take care of the alcohol purchases.

    2. MABE's Executive Director is Frances Glendening, the former spouse of former Maryland Gov. Parris Glendening.


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