
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kojo Show - Breaking: Superintendent Kevin Maxwell "don't believe ... I have done anything illegal at all"

Prince George's County Public Schools Superintendent Kevin Maxwell was on the Kojo Nnamdi show today at noon.  

Kojo asked him the following question:

On August 5th Dr. Maxwell signed a lease with a company not approved by the Board of Education to build a cell tower at Flowers High School. Why did Dr. Maxwell sign this document without a public vote of the Board of Education and without input from the Flowers High School neighbors and community?  Can Dr. Maxwell please explain how he thinks 3 cell tower compounds on every school playground will attract families to PG County public schools?
Kevin Maxwell's answer:  

Readers can review the Prince George's County Public Schools cell tower documents at this link:

Compare the Master Lease from 2010 with the Flowers High School lease signed by superintendent Kevin Maxwell in August of 2014. 


  1. "don't believe ... I have done anything illegal at all" Is this considered innocence by conviction?

  2. They need to go do their homework!

  3. History will prove Dr. Maxwell’s decision and his predecessor’s decision to place cell towers next to P.G. schools to be an epic fail; especially in light of all the current evidence, that the towers do in fact cause three times more childhood leukemia. He needs to know that he has now caused PG schools to receive a poor rating on the BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools report. Educated parents, will instead, have yet one more reason to move to Ann Arundel County and send their children to school there. Dr. Maxwell’s response is that he hasn’t done anything illegal is unfortunately true but he has done great harm and he is both uniformed and ill-advised. I personally find it pathetic that he has a doctorate and he cannot discern propaganda from both the FCC and telecom industry. Even a fifth grader learns what propaganda is and can read what is going on in the rest of the world on this issue. The U.S. is behind on this issue and history will prove that ill health effects from cell towers will make the1970’s cigarette propaganda look miniscule in retrospect.

    1. Maxwell came to Prince George's from Anne Arundel where he had already put in the same Milestone deal in place.

      Documents signed by Maxwell in Anne Arundel are at our link:


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