
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Board of Appeals OKs Truck Traffic Through Roscoe Nix Elementary School parking lot

At the November 12, 2014, Montgomery County Board of Appeals hearing on the expansion of the cell tower next to Roscoe Nix Elementary School, the Board of Appeals members (that managed to stay awake during the entire hearing) made clear that the safety of Roscoe Nix Elementary School children was not their concern.  

The Board of Appeals said that it was up to the Montgomery County Board of Education to keep the children at Roscoe Nix Elementary School safe.  They said that as they approved the use of the Roscoe Nix Elementary School parking lot by cell tower contractors and subcontractors accessing the cell tower site on the adjacent pool property.  

Board of Education, the ball is now in your court. Will the Board of Education permit commercial contractors and subcontractors that have no business on school property to use the Roscoe Nix Elementary School parking lot to access an adjacent property?  These contractors have no legal right to use the Nix Elementary School parking lot. There will be no security clearance and no criminal background checks on any of these contractors or subcontractors coming on to school property because they have no relationship to the school. 

Will the Board of Education sit back and do nothing as these commercial vendors trespass over school land? 

The Board of Appeals did nothing to ensure the protection of public school children, will the Board of Education do anything?

“[It’s] the school board’s responsibility to protect the safety of students,” [Board of Appeals Chair] Perdue said.

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