
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Breaking News: PA Revokes MCPS Teacher's Certificate

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has a webpage that lists the names of teachers who have had their Teaching Certificates revoked or suspended.  They call it their Notification of Certificate Actions Report.

The Maryland State Department of Education does not have a similar public web page.

On the Pennsylvania Department of Education page we learn that earlier this year a former Montgomery County Public School teacher had his Pennsylvania teaching certificate revoked based on the actions previously taken by Montgomery County Public Schools.

Does the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) keep a database of decisions regarding revocation or suspension of teaching certificates? Does MSDE make that information public? 
Does MSDE have a reciprocal arrangement with other states to also revoke or suspend certificates based on out of state actions?

From the PA Department of Education online database:

Notification Date 9/9/2014
Name of Individual Daniel J. Picca
Other Names
Date of Birth 11/25/1958
Last School In Which Employed Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Last Position Held Teacher
Certificate Type Instructional I
Certification Area Elementary K-6
Action Taken Revoked
Grounds for Discipline Out of State Adjudication: Educator was revoked in Maryland based on multiple acts of insubordination and misconduct.
Date Action Taken 6/11/2014


    Mission Statement:
    The mission of MSDE is to provide leadership, support, and accountability for effective systems of public education, library services, and rehabilitation services. leadership, support, and accountability for effective systems of public education, library services, and rehabilitation services.

    1. It is not in the MSDE mission statement, hence don't count on it.

  2. Why is Janis Sartucci publishing this information and then labeling it as 'child abuse or neglect, Daniel Picca, certificate. While Mr. Picca was fired from MCPS for Professional Misconduct, had his MD and Pennsylvania teaching certificates revoked, none of the documentation has ever mentioned child abuse or neglect. He has never been charged with such misdemeanor in MD or elsewhere and Ms Sartucci is fabricating charges for what reason.

    1. Flat out wrong. What's your point in falsifying the truth "anonymous?"

      "Following the investigation, the local department found the Appellant to be responsible for indicated child abuse."
      Opinion 12-34, Page 12, #10 and #11.

    2. And...

      Washington Post coverage:

      Bethesda Magazine coverage:

      Patch coverage:

  3. This kind of information is available if one is a healthcare professional. Why not for teachers?

  4. In MC land you are more likely to be struck by lightning than be held accountable for questionable behavior.


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