
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WPost: ...board took no official action Wednesday on Starr’s future...

Amid reports that Montgomery County Schools Superintendent Joshua P. Starr lacks the support he needs on the county school board to gain reappointment, the board took no official action Wednesday on Starr’s future with Maryland’s largest school district.
Board members met privately for two hours in an executive session that Starr attended Wednesday. Afterward, Board President Patricia O’Neill declined to comment on the discussion, citing confidentiality laws regarding personnel matters.
O’Neill said Starr, who is nearing the end of his first term, has not officially notified the board about whether he is seeking a new four-year contract to lead the 154,000-student district. He has until Sunday to do so.
“It’s part of a process, and we have not crossed the February 1 threshold and sometime after we do we’ll make an announcement and move forward,” O’Neill said...
 ...No additional executive sessions are scheduled before Sunday, suggesting that the next move falls to Starr, who faces the possibility of asking to return but lacking the votes...


  1. The BOE will cave and we'll be stuck over paying this unproductive, no account, failure for 4 more years.

    1. That's my expectation, as well. This is all a lot of nothing and in the end Starr will stay. We shall see….And by the way, you forgot to mention pompous and arrogant in your description.

    2. Thank you for the correction. You are absolutely right!

  2. I doubt he will stay after all of this bad press. Even if he squeaks out a vote of 5 to 3, he will clearly be damaged goods. Hey - maybe he can get a job at Gallup!

    1. He'll stay because no other system is dumb enough to pay 1/4 million dollars to this incompetent fraud.

    2. how can he stay without a contract?


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