
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

In 2013, MCPS had 1,697 Non-School Based Positions, Fairfax has 1,648

We are behind on making the annual WABE Guide's available. Let's catch up by starting with the 2013 WABE Guide.

Below is the 2013 Washington Area Boards of Education (WABE) Guide.  The WABE Guide compares data from 10 public school systems around Washington, D.C.  The WABE Guide compares enrollment, class sizes, staffing, revenue, salary and benefits information from each of the 10 counties.

It usually compares data from all 10 counties, except there was the year that MCPS refused to participate.

1 comment:

  1. The number of non-school based positions in MCPS is out of control. Teachers aren't getting diversity training because the money is being spent to train non classroom based personnel that do not impact student achievement.

    Taxpayers are paying to train (costly non school based trainer positions) all kinds of positions ( custodians, bus drivers, security guards, operations staff) that have nothing to with teaching children, yet many teachers say they never get any training. Teachers used to be able to get training in their schools, now the more costly training is being delivered by non school based trainers to non school based positions. This does nothing to help teachers close the gap.


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