
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My first day in my ESOL class, my teacher sighed and said: “not another one”.

Public comment from a MCPS student to the Montgomery County Board of Education on March 10, 2015. 


  1. If true this letter is heartbreaking and what it describes is unforgivable.

    1. If true? Where have you been? MCPS treats students like this all the time and has for years.

      The ACLU had to take MCPS to court to get them to enroll homeless students.

      Keep voting for the Apple Ballot and you can be sure that MCPS will continue to discriminate against children living in Montgomery County like they did to this student.

  2. nothing can be done about the Apple ballot, which the Union in my experience hires transient "visitors" from DC to come place on the Dem table on voting day, except to get it off the Dem literature table & shame those who put it there, who always pead ignorance.

    the hirees who are supposed to stay during the day & hand it out rarely stay at the polling place more than an hour (or less) for their pay.

    What I learned as an original member of the Parents Coaltion, a group of parents absolutely different from the on line commenters now, back when we tried to send a parent volunteer to work each polling place for a parent-endorsed BOE slate, was that it is illegal for the Apple ballot to be placed on a Dem literature table. So the procedure is: know the precinct no of your polling place, if you see the Apple ballot on the Dem table, call County Dem hdqtrs, & tell them the Apple ballot is on their table illegally at precinct X. as the Dem precinct head volunteer at the site is on the phone contact list of Dem Cty hdqtrs, and they stay in close touch during the day, the Apple ballot will be removed from the Dem table tout suite.

    If you can do this for the precinct where you vote (check for Apple ballot on Dem table) & call it in to Dem hdqtrs as illegal, you've made a big contribution. I still do it at my precinct over a decade after I first worked at voting sites for the Parents Coalition slate.

    1. Absolutely useless in comparison to the tens of thousands of direct mailings and robo calls now done by the Apple Ballot. Removing Apple Ballots from tables has zero impact.


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