
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

BCC Tattler: Google Chromebooks Doing More Harm than Damage

By Daniel Crystal
“Ok, everyone! Could you all please grab a chromebook?”
I hate hearing this when I walk into my AP World History class. It honestly ruins my day and I don’t think I’m alone.
This year B-CC decided to give into the pressures of the technology age and purchase chromebooks for the history department. These chromebooks are now being utilized in classes to complete assignments for formative grades. At $199, the cheap chromebooks provide even cheaper performance.
My problem is that the chromebooks are terrible pieces of technology. They are slow, glitchy, and they do strange things all the time. The chromebooks make it very difficult to complete an assignment in class. I can’t even type the word ‘the’ without the cursor shifting randomly and typing ‘teh’. It is so frustrating that no one can type a sentence, because the cursor always shifts out of nowhere.
On top of this, I have had a recent issue with a keyboard showing up on the screen as I am typing. None of the teachers seem to be trained technicians, so my issues with the chromebooks never get addressed, leaving me struggling to finish assignments in the class period that display quality work...


  1. Did anyone watch the board meeting yesterday March 10th where there was an update on the PARCC? I think it's on item 6 of the agenda on the web case here There were 3 directors/supervisors providing an update and the last one (I didn't catch her name but I think she works for Sherwyn Collette) was saying how great of a job they have done. I am really tired of all the lies that come from central office. I couldn't help but wonder about all the wifi connectivity and all these issues that are being discussed here. Sometimes I wonder if anyone in central office or the board are aware of the issues being raised here at the parents coalition. All I hear is terrible things about this chromebooks, from my 2 kids and also from neighbors... but I can guarantee that these people presenting to the board are on their way to being promoted at our kids expenses and using our taxpayers money. Shame on MCPS!

  2. I just saw the webcast. Thanks for sharing. I agree with you as well, I hope the new superintendent gets new leadership in the technology area. It's been lacking for years. My brother's kids go to Fairfax county and they have great parent portal with lots of communication.


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