
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

PARCC Statement from MCPS Office of Shared Accountability

Thank you for writing with your question about your child's participation in the upcoming administration of the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) tests.  Your e-mail to Dr. Maria V. Navarro, chief academic officer, has been forwarded to me for response.
Montgomery County Public Schools is required to administer the PARCC tests to students this year, and the Maryland State Department of Education has instructed school systems that students may not be granted exemptions or waivers to taking these tests.  While we do acknowledge that students may refuse to test, we are obligated to provide them with the opportunity to participate.
For students who do not participate in PARCC testing they would consequently not receive a score report.  While we are in a transition year and results will be delayed due to the standard setting process, student performance on standardized tests does help to inform the work of our schools and school system.
Annie Amantea 
Administrative Services Manager 
Office of Shared Accountability 
850 Hungerford Drive, Room 11
Rockville, Maryland (MD)  20850 
Fax:  301-279-3849


  1. What in the world kind of response is this? Why no waiver?

    1. First sentence, second paragraph. Ask the Maryland State Dept. of Ed.

  2. All Maryland school systems are required (and yes, that does indeed come from MSDE) to *administer* the PARCC test. However, there is no legal obligation on the part of students to *take* the tests. That's the distinction - students can *refuse* testing - and many ARE doing so, many more in MCPS and across Maryland this year than last.


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