
Monday, April 27, 2015

Question of the Day: Is it time for your principal to retire?

Answer:  Yes.  Especially if you are James Fernandez, principal of Albert Einstein High School in Kensington, Maryland.  Ask any art student at the school.

At today's Board of Education meeting, numerous parents and students came out to testify in favor of the Visual Arts Program at Einstein High.  Once again, this program is on the list of potential cuts from the Montgomery County Board of Education.

Read the testimony and if you have time, watch the video replay.  Students and parents spoke from their hearts about the impact of this program on their MCPS experience.

The written statement of Maya Cartland really caught me by surprise. She writes:
The VAC is more than just an art class; it’s a community of artists and scholars. In a school as large as Einstein, it’s important for students to be in an environment where they feel safe to express themselves and their creative talents. Ms. Walsh and Ms. Harris hold their students to high expectations and give us the support to go beyond what we think we can initially do.

Maya continues: 
This is in stark contrast to our principal, Mr. Fernandez, a known opponent of the arts. Every year he speaks to students before Career Day and says, “if you major in the arts, be sure to memorize my McDonald’s order: Big Mac with no pickles.” Ask any art student at Einstein and they will be able to recite Mr. Fernandez’ order for you.
Did Mr. Fernandez really tell  kids to memorize his McDonald's order?  

Maya and her classmates get it - even if Mr. Fernandez doesn't.   
He, like so many, believe that art doesn’t matter, but what he fails to understand is that we are more than just art students; we are also honor students, AP, IB scholars, and athletes. The senior class has gotten into 32 top art and liberal art schools and won over $1.2 million in scholarships alone. 
Mr. Fernandez owes Maya and her classmates an apology.  And as for the rest of the taxpaying citizens of Montgomery County?

I suggest that Mr. Fernandez turn in his resignation now.  If he doesn't value the students, their diverse learning styles, or their unique interests, then he should not be in education. Its time to move on, and let someone who enjoys leading a Montgomery County High School, with its many talented kids of all shapes, sizes, and interests, toward finding their true passions.

Dr. Einstein left us with many memorable quotes - so it seems fitting that I end this piece with the words of the man that gave the high school his name. [See image]

Good luck to the current students at VAC as you pursue your dreams, and lets hope that MCPS keeps a program that works!


  1. Mr. Fernandez is the main reason why Einstein is no longer referred to as "Crimestein."

    Before I'm attacked, no I do not work for MCPS and no I am not related to Mr. Fernandez. I'm merely a thankful parent of an Einstein student.

    1. Obviously not a Visual Arts Center parent. The Board of Education meeting today was packed with Einstein parents and students who are not fans of the Fernandez treatment of the VAC program.

    2. At the BOE meeting today parents and students spoke. They used their names and their faces to advocate. Yet, someone who claims to be thankful for Mr. Fernandez doesn't sign their name to their comment.

    3. On an earlier occasion, I have heard parents and students say that Mr. Fernandez degraded the Visual Arts program and its students. No matter the curriculum, a real educator does everything he or she can to enhance the learning environment and elevate student effort. Mr. Fernandez should be deeply ashamed for the scornful and degrading way he speaks to students - he was the one who chose to make the cuts in that program and I am glad to see parents and students are fighting back. He should absolutely retire - he is not an educator, he is just a guy who is burned out in his job. Thanks for reporting this PC.

  2. While I think calling for Mr. Fernandez to *resign* is a bit extreme, I'm sure everyone can agree that he needs to re-evaluate his view of the Visual Arts Center, and of the arts as a whole. At the very least he should take this whole situation into account over a big mac, hold the pickles.

  3. It is time for the Board and the public to see the true character of Mr. Fernandez. He does not, and has not, supported the VAC. His negative, disrespectful comments to the VAC students should not be taken lightly.

  4. Big Mac with pickles...... Not a bad order.

  5. You didn't even get it right. It's no pickles.


    1. Pickles are gross!!! The man has SOME sense

  7. Jim likes whom he likes and too bad for anyone else. Not always a pleasant man. The only thing I like about him is that he will tell the folks at central office where to shove it if he doesn't want to be bothered with their dumb ideas. But, he does need to go because he is out of touch with students and the community.

  8. If you know Mr. Fernnandez, you know he doesn't have much of a filter. That being said, as a current parent of two Einstein students (one of whom receives special ed services), I believe that he is a good guy and more importantly, has a damn good teaching staff. As with all teaching positions, there must be a certain ratio of teachers to students in order for positions to be fully staffed. He doesn't make that decision. He has been telling folks to help ensure that there is enough enrollment in VAC to maintain both positions.

    1. MCPS principals absolutely make staffing decisions. If you are being told otherwise, you are getting a fib.

    2. I thought principals are given x FTEs, then they make their allocations for each subject?

    3. And principals also have to ensure that class sizes are reasonably equitable. According to the May 9 poster, Mr. Fernandez is "telling folks to help ensure that there is enough enrollment in VAC to maintain both positions." He's doing what he needs to do. He shouldn't continue to staff positions for courses that do not have a critical mass of students. Doing so would cause class sizes in other courses to soar. There's one FTE pie. It needs to be distributed equitably.

    4. And the numbers were? You don't cite the numbers, because they were there. In fact, Larry Bowers had to admit at the BOE table that the numbers were there. It's on tape.
      Lack of enrollment wasn't the issue.

      As for distributing staff "equitably," that doesn't happen. It doesn't happen for lots of reasons.


    Off-topic but I thought it would be nice to give props to an Einstein teacher who has been having a positive impact on her students for decades.


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