
Monday, April 27, 2015

Your Child Can Be Alone in a Dark Room with Door Locked Sitting on MCPS Staff Lap Getting a Back Rub and CPS Will NOT Be Called

It's time to bring some clarity to what is considered Child Abuse by the Montgomery County Board of Education.  Parents, you should know what the Board of Education considers "not child abuse."  These are the MCPS staff and student interactions that will not be reported to the Montgomery County Child Protective Services office or to the Montgomery County Police. 

If child abuse is not suspected (according tot he Board of Education definition), the Report of Suspicious/Inappropriate Interaction with a Student form, shown below, will be used to document concerns such as:
  • physical contact of a questionable nature (sitting on lap, back rub, etc.)
  • social communication unrelated to classroom activity (texting, personal phone calls, etc.)
  • excessive time with a student out of the class
  • being alone with the student under suspicious circumstances (room locked and/or dark, in personal vehicle without parent’s permission, etc. 
Again, let's be very clear about this. All of the above are considered NOT child abuse by the Montgomery County Board of Education.

Your child can be alone with a MCPS staff person sitting on the staff person's lap, in a locked, darkened room and Child Protective Services will not be called.  

A MCPS staff person can text, call or e-mail your child about non-school related matters and Child Protective Services will not be called.  

Your child can be in a MCPS staff person's CAR without your permission and that will not be reported to Child Protective Services. 

Currently, MCPS teachers and staff are permitted to enter in to a personal relationship with your child, without your permission, and that is considered acceptable conduct by the Montgomery County Board of Education.  If any of the above situations are observed between your child and a MCPS staff member the interaction will be recorded on this form and filed away.

The Board of Education has not drawn any lines to protect students from inappropriate personal relationships with MCPS staff.

At today's Board of Education meeting when the Board discusses changes to their current Child Abuse Policy, they will not make any changes to the form below.  Going forward, all of the above interactions between MCPS staff and students will continue to be not reported to Child Protective Services.




  2. As far as the politicians that help to make all of this a reality:

    Your Elected Official Can Be Alone in a Dark Smoke-filled Room with Door Locked Sitting in the Pocket of a Developer Getting a Kick-Back and They Will Still Get Elected

  3. As far as the elected lofty politicians
    They are in sync with the officials
    They will say what you want to hear
    But, pleas go in one and out the other ear.

    1. The politicians may be lofty
      And officials may be in sync
      But WE will say what WE want to hear
      And that is, the whole thing stinks!

  4. The time is ripe for mass protests in front of their building.

    1. Be careful, Bowers might have his buddies in the State House call in the Guard.

    2. Nuts! I forgot about the Mario Brothers.

  5. They'll probably blame Pepco for the "Dark Room."

  6. There is more than one darkroom/dungeon in the school system.

  7. So many dark rooms in MCPS!

  8. Does MCPS have a Mission Statement?

  9. This hasn't really been a problem

    1. What hasn't been a problem? No mission statement? No Code of Conduct for staff? Children found in locked rooms with staff?
      And, oh yes, children found in locked rooms with staff has been a huge problem. It's time for the police to be called when a child is found in a locked room with a teacher. It's time for ZERO TOLERANCE of the sexual abuse of MCPS students by MCPS staff!

    2. To Counselor Anonymous who said "no problem", I don't know the answer but is it true a mission statement is needed for tax exempt status as a non profit, or are public schools exempt? I do not know the answer and you seem to know a lot about the topic you that offered an opinion that apparently it is not a problem, so please explain this to those of us who are not attorneys how the non profit laws do not apply here. Thank you so much.

  10. With evidence abound it sounds like a three ring circus act on a merry go round.

    1. Evidently the investigators would have trouble finding any evidence for they have trouble seeing the forest from the trees.

  11. I could use a back rub right about now.

    1. There is a sale on backscratchers at your local dollar store!


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