
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bowers Spending $11 Million Today on Unspecified Stuff #BowersPerks

At today's Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Larry Bowers has slipped in an $11 million dollar no bid item on the Consent Agenda.  The $11 million will buy "computers, associated hardware and services." 

Wonder what this $11,798,868 million will buy?  How many computers? What brand? What associated hardware? What services? What is meant by computers?  Promethean Boards? Chrome Books? What services?
Take a guess. The BOE has no idea, why should they care? 

We've seen this vague language many times before and the results of what Larry Bowers purchases are always a surprise! 

Is this how the Montgomery County Board of Education oversees the spending of $11 million dollars?$file/Cont%20Apprv%20Bid%20UB12-B-19%20Computers%20Ext.pdf


  1. I hope by buying associated hardware he means handcuffs, to arrest all the pedophiles that apparently are hired to work here.

    1. I don't think that MCPS officials have been granted police powers yet.
      You'll still need to call 911, then press 1 for x, 2 for y and 3 for z.

  2. More likely, they'll spend it on more Chromebook tablets and other electronic devices which enable private, NO BID tech ed companies to gain access to our and our children's personal information without our consent. For why hackers go after children's PI, see last weeks post here; for the "NO-BID" part in MCPS, just do a search here or on the web.

  3. Ignorance is bliss

    1. It is for the Apple Ballot elected officials! This is what the Apple Ballot loves! They love no accountability, no transparency and behind closed doors procurement in the multi-millions.

      Oh, but Bowers cut teachers. Jokes on teachers. They pay dues to a union that doesn't support their positions.

  4. In MoCo money grows on trees.

  5. All the advice to teachers to cut the achievement gap is small group instruction, that is why they keep cutting teachers at the school level and hiring more people of color at the administrative level. Bowers is just doing what the equity folks keep telling him to do. Then he'll take his great benefits package and run. Can't blame the guy for doing what the people of color keep telling him to do.

    1. No one has ever told Larry Bowers what to do. Unless you want to sign your name to that gossip, it doesn't hold water. Larry Bowers is the same administrator who hid millions of dollars from the County Council and told the Council he didn't have to tell them about the income to MCPS.

  6. FIFA come on over to Montgomery County
    we welcome you with open arms


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