
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It is unclear however, who would pay to maintain the artificial field.

Somerset Elementary Wants to Raise Funds for Artificial Turf

...The turf has an estimated cost of $550,000. The school’s PTA and Foundation have said it would take them about two years to raise that money, according to the memo.
It is unclear however, who would pay to maintain the artificial field.
The Somerset school has a student population of 575.


  1. Dare I ask why an elementary school would need an artificial field? Will it come with lights for night games?

    1. I believe in most ball parks like in Philadelphia, artificial turf gave lots of problems at the Vet and the new Citizen's Bank park has grass again. Forgot all the negatives but they turned out to be many in terms of playing the sport and physical problems with the false surface. I see the Orioles a bit at Camden Yards and they and the, Nats in Washington have grass as well as most if not all with newer replacement ball parks. Obviously some of the decision makers in the County on this issue were left out of playing ball with the rest of the kids on the block when growing up or they would know this.

    2. Natural grass doesn't come with perks from the vendor! No campaign donations!

  2. At least it won't need to be watered. With that much less use of Precious Resources it should pay for itself in about 5000 years.

    1. Oh, dear. Sorry to tell you artificial turf does have to be hosed off. That's how you get all the spit, sweat and blood off the field. Those excretions won't disappear naturally on plastic.


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