
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

CHS: Cheaters Have Success?

CHS: Cheaters Have Success?

“The cheating is out of control.”
Math teacher Lois Cohen said this when describing the academic dishonesty that has spread throughout the halls and classrooms of CHS.
Cheating is prevalent at CHS, with as many as three separate instances of cheating occurring in the span of one month this year. One aspect of cheating that makes it difficult to combat is that definitions of cheating vary.
According to Spanish teacher Stacey Steele-Yue, the definition of cheating ranges from the simple level of glancing at someone else’s answers to full-blown copying someone else’s work.
What about discussing the level of difficulty of a test with a student who hasn’t taken it yet? Is that cheating?...


  1. "When Students cheat on exams it's because our School System values grades more than Students value learning." -Neil deGrasse Tyson

  2. Another interesting article on the school's newspaper site

  3. Kids need to have perfect GPAs to get into the top universities these days. It's so competitive. Competition for academic scholarships also pressures students to be the best.

    The culture in our nation has moved towards using only quantitative measures as admittance considerations for universities and colleges these days. No one wants to feel that anyone is receiving a benefit that others are not receiving. People have been going to court to assure that only students with the top GPAs and test scores are admitted to universities. This can only result in students doing whatever they can to get those scores.


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