
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

CPSC no longer stands by safety of artificial turf

By Rachel Stockman
The Consumer Product Safety Commission is no longer standing by the safety of crumb rubber used in artificial turf and playgrounds.


  1. I am an MCPS high school student, and I would like to say that you parents are crazy.
    Parents like you are reasons that we can't get anything done in this county...

    1. Wow! Thanks! We must be super powerful!

      What is it that you have tried to get "done" that you "think" we have stopped with our super powers? By the way, what kind of super powers do we have? I am hoping they are physics or reality manipulation based. Those would be awesome.

      By the way, for reading comprehension, this post is a link to a news story about how the Consumer Product Safety Commission no longer is standing by the safety of artificial turf. The CPSC is a national organization and the last time we checked, we don't have any "power" over them. But, hey back to that list of super powers, maybe we do?

    2. Don't fret. This adolescent probably learned to get away with talking back to adults in a fresh manner like that at home. The lack of discipline in the County leadership is now filtering down to SOME of the children apparently. Probably mad that we adults want special needs kids to get a piece of the pie instead of spending the money on crumb rubber cancer turf which apparently this complainer feels will enhance the H.S. jock experience. Yeah for us! Keep on pushing!

    3. The fact that the leaders of this county happened to be parents does not excuse them from being clueless and irresponsible.

  2. What actual risk does crumb rubber pose to children? Given MCPS's fiscal status, I don't think this need to be a priority issue because they won't be able to afford anything. Perhaps if they didn't pay of their principals for not reporting misconduct....

  3. Soon the EPA and CDC will not stand by the safety of wireless in the schools.

    This June----
    "The Precautionary Principle Should be Invoked for RF-EMF," will be provided by Christopher Portier, former Director of the National Center for Environmental Health and the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry at CDC at the June Conference Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society
    Asilomar Conference Center, California, June 14-19, 2015. Prior to his work at CDC, Dr. Portier was the Associate Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at NIH and Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program. Dr. Portier served as the CDC expert on the 31-member IARC expert working group that declared radiofrequency radiation "possibly carcinogenic" to humans in 2011.

    1. As soon as they notice the plastic deformation near their kids earlobes.

  4. I hope that Council now asks MCPS and Parks when they will remove the crumb rubber and redo the existing public fields in MoCo with the environmentally friendly fill now marketed. Getting this answer should also be a priority for MoCo PTAs.

  5. I don't know if Parents Coalition posted this story (if they did I missed it). I stumbled across it a while ago. The City of Gaithersburg installed an alternative to crumb rubber. Seems a little more of a healthier option.
    Among the quotes: The synthetic turf has an organic infill comprised of rice husk, coconut fiber and cork. It is odorless and non-toxic, and provides stable footing for athletes. The selected material also results in a lower field temperature than other synthetic options. It is the first eco-friendly synthetic turf field on the east coast installed by a municipal government.

    1. Yes. We know all about that plastic field. Plastic is "eco-friendly," since when?
      It's still a big sheet of plastic on a layer of concrete and fill on top of the ground. FYI - the lead in plastic grass fields has been in the fake GREEN GRASS. The Gaithersburg field has fake green plastic grass.

      Do be aware that all the same claims have been made about crumb rubber for over a decade. It's "odorless, non-toxic, stable footing and eco-friendly!" That's right. Crumb rubber is a way of eliminated used tire stockpiles. That's the beauty of it.

    2. Why don't you do something about it then...

    3. What would you like us to do? Montgomery County elected officials love the stuff. They love lead. They love the run off that poisons streams. They love the heat islands that are formed. And, Montgomery County voters love our elected officials. This is what we love in Montgomery County. Let's just be clear that we are not some sort of environmentally friendly locality.

    4. Rice husks, coconuts and corks have lead?

    5. Didn't read did you. The statement above CLEARLY says:

      the lead in plastic grass fields has been in the fake GREEN GRASS

      Got it? The lead is in the GREEN FAKE GRASS BLADES. That hasn't changed in these fields. Rice etc... are the INFILL ONLY.

    6. Every MCPS StudentMay 21, 2015 at 7:15 AM

      Shut Up Janis

    7. That's it? That's all you got is shut up? There's still lead in the green fake grass on artificial turf football fields and soccer goalies still have cancer after playing on artificial turf fields. Take a science class, do some reading and start learning about your environment before it's too late.

  6. The powers-that-be also love development. Trying to drive anywhere in this county is a nightmare.

    1. Out inflated taxes at work. Inconvenience everyone for the common good.


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