
Friday, August 21, 2015

Superintendent Blames Tone Deaf Administrators...

This is the guy that said no to the Montgomery County Board of Education.  Instead, Robert Avossa took the job of superintendent in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Listen to the video below as Palm Beach Superintendent Avossa speaks about a recent disaster with the Palm Beach County school bus routing.  He actually puts blame on administrators and says parents and bus drivers should have been consulted!  Not only that, he is actually speaking about a problem himself.  He isn't hiding behind a public relations bully who will call your boss if you print that!

Can you imagine if the MCPS Board of Education had been able to hire Robert Avossa and he was the superintendent here?

 School bus crisis: Superintendent has some answers


  1. Our BOE would not know how to handle it. Avossa calls it as he sees it, and puts the blame on the administrators where it belongs in this case. He tells them to get input from the bus drivers and orders those at fault to write an apology to the principals. Wow, that would have been so refreshing at MCPS! What a loss for us.

  2. Accountability and MCPS administrators HAH! They are too busy praising one another while the school system continues to tank.

  3. MCPS BOE would never hire a Superintendent like Avossa. The one thing our BOE does NOT want is accountability.


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