
Friday, August 21, 2015

Teachers seek to take down cell tower

Some teachers concerned about radio frequency emissions want the school district to encourage a community conversation and adopt a policy on towers ....

...“There’s absolutely no educational benefit having that tower on top of Deering. Let’s take it down. Let’s do the right thing,” said Gus Goodwin, Wilson’s husband and a technology teacher at King Middle School. Goodwin has been a leading advocate for removing the tower....


  1. Radio frequency emissions? Those RF emissions are all around you, those towers don't concentrate them and even if they did the "emissions" are of such low energy (light coming from the sun or even the bulbs in your ceiling have more energy than radio emissions) that they can do no harm. There is ZERO evidence that cell phones or radios emissions that are freely shooting through the air whether there's a cell tower there or not, do any harm at all to anything much less people.

    The level of ignorance attendant to this is right up there with the anti-vaccination movement - I swear, these days people take things they don't fully understand or appreciate (no one my age, who grew up in the 60's, argues against vaccinations because we lived in a day when everyone wasn't vaccinated and we lived through the damage that a lack of vaccines created) and turn them into something we should fear.

    1. Right. And cigarettes are safe. Yes, we all remember those ads.

      Zero evidence? Want to run that by this roomful of Wootton HS parents?

      And it really doesn't matter whether the RF is harmful or not. Putting a HAZMAT facility that children can EASILY climb on a school playground is the definition of ignorant with a dose of stupid!

  2. Apparently our poster friend from the sixties is still on his Magical Mystery Tour. Too late for him , but not for the younger generation that does not need towers managed by an English major, on or near their school properties. BTW, is that CTO or whatever his title is still running away from giving answers to the parents about radiation? Must be something wrong with this or why would he be hiding so long?


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