
Friday, September 18, 2015

MCPS - Still Ripping Off Students, Now with the Chromebook Excuse

Once again we remind Montgomery County Public Schools and the Board of Education that the Maryland Constitution guarantees ALL children a FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION.

Let's make this really simple:  If the CURRICULUM requires headphones, they are to be SUPPLIED for FREE by the public school system.

For College Gardens Elementary School students that means you do not have to pay $3 for headphones and you do not need to bring them from home.  If you need them for your classes, MCPS will be supplying them to you as part of their $2.4 BILLION dollar operating budget.  That's what those billions of dollars are for, that is Maryland law. 

In this specific example below, not only is College Gardens ES charging students for something that should be supplied for free, but College Gardens is overcharging students ($3.00) what MCPS is paying for these headphones ($2.75).  That's a rip off on top of a rip off with no accounting for where the extra funds are going. 

For readers that wonder why we track the expense accounts of administrators, here's why!   

How many headphones did Board of Education members "party" away last year? 2,398


January 28, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians,

College Gardens has received chrome books for all students in grades 3 and 5. These are in addition to the 90 chrome books purchased by the PTA. With the use of the chrome books, students will need headphones. Students may bring their own from home or purchase KOSS headphones from the school for $3.00.

The chrome books are used in the classrooms to enhance creativity and collaboration in the classroom. All students will have access to a Google Apps for Education account. These accounts are secure to the learning environment and staff members are able to access their accounts. The staff and student accounts enable document sharing, collaborative work, and assessment opportunities in this cloud-based platform. For MCPS, participating students and staff are assigned an “” G-mail like account. With this e-mail account students only have access to w-mail with people inside the MCPS system. Student progress and engagement will be monitored via a learning management system integrated into the platform that allows teachers to send information to students, offer real-time feedback, and monitor progress on activities.

As an added precaution to safeguard students, MCPS has enabled a feature of Google Search called “Safe Search” within our Google Apps domain. With “Safe Search” enabled, sexually explicit video and images are filtered from Google Search result pages, along with results that might link to explicit content when logged into their account. In essence, students’ internet searches are safer and more secure than if they were not using their accounts to conduct the same searches.

If you have questions or want additional information on the MCPS initiative to bring chrome books into the schools, please contact the Office of the Chief Technology Officer at 301-279-3581, or if you have questions regarding the use of chrome books at College Gardens you may contact me at 301-279-8470.


Stacey Rogovoy

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