
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Parks' fake grass can reach a scorching 162 degrees

It's like walking on hot coals.
Artificial turf installed in city fields can heat up to a blistering 162 degrees even on a mild summer day, a Daily News investigation has found.
"My feet are burning! I had to dump cold water on my shoes just to walk around," Yannick Pena, 9, complained to his mom on a recent visit to Macombs Dam Park in the Bronx, where The News found the turf hit temperatures of 145 to 160 degrees on an 80-degree day.
At Staten Island's Greenbelt Recreation Center, where turf temperatures reached 149, park regular Diana Stentella, 58, wondered how kids survived the heat.
"When they play soccer here, do they have an ambulance to take the kids away?" Stentella said. "On a hot, humid day you would faint out here."
Over two mildly warm days last month, The News took surface temperature readings at five synthetic fields across the city accompanied by NYC Park Advocates, a group that has been critical of the fake grass.
At all five, temperatures at the synthetic fields soared roughly twice as high as at nearby natural grass ones, from a low of 144 degrees at the Greenbelt Recreation Center on Staten Island to a scorching 162 at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens.
"It's sadistic that the city is installing a product which gets so hot and is actually expecting the public to play on it," said NYC Park Advocates President Geoffrey Croft...


  1. An attempt to simulate Fahrenheit 451.

  2. Montgomery County StudentSeptember 17, 2015 at 4:14 PM

    This is why you wear shoes.

    1. No, duh! Who would have thought...

      Actually artificial turf gets so hot it melts the glue in athletic shoes. That's the problem.

      If you have athletic shoes and a body that can stand 140 degree plastic grass, then sign your name! Why be anonymous?

  3. I was at Flushing Meadows park in Queens this summer to visit old friends. It was so hot and humid in the sun. Even some of the graffiti was melting off the overpasses. I thought the beach sand was hot and impossible to walk on without sandals or flip flops in Rockaway, but the artificial turf in Flushing Meadows, as you say,, will burn the outer layer of skin on the bottom of your foot and you would need a lot of treatment, wraps, etc. which could put an athlete out for the season. Very painful with the potential of being medically very dangerous. It is possibly hotter than even black top.

  4. You are invited to two Open Meetings Law Compliance Board Meetings:

    1 - Organizational meeting: September 24, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. - Must see Agenda for this meeting on the OAG website.
    2 - Annual meeting: September 24, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. - See Agenda for this meeting on the OAG website.
    Location for both meetings: 200 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. If possible, please notify by 4 p.m. on September 23 of your intention to come, so that we can arrange in advance for your prompt admission to the building. Otherwise, on arrival, ask the guard to call 410-576-6327.

    Meeting information: The Compliance Board holds its annual meeting in August or September. When necessary, the Board meets specially during the General Assembly's session to respond to legislative requests for comments on legislation. Special meetings during a session (generally, mid-January through early April) must sometimes be called on short notice. All meeting notices will be posted below. Members of the public may also sign up for e-mail notifications. Those requests should be made to


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