
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

FYI: If you contact Councilmember Leventhal, know that he is passing your comments right on to the Board of Education

From the October 20, 2015, Montgomery County Council and Board of Education breakfast meeting we learn that County Council President George Leventhal "does an excellent job" about passing anything he gets about MCPS right on to the Board of Education.

Board of Education member Christopher Barclay says, "We don't know what folks are saying to you.  And, I think it's really important, I think George does an excellent job, anytime he gets something relative to the schools he passes it along very quickly. And, I would encourage everyone to do that." 


  1. and all this time, I thought Leventhal only passed gas.

    1. You mean that there is an untapped source of energy located in Rockville?

  2. Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding the point here. Is it a bad idea for a councilmember to communicate with the schools on a school matter? What's the alternative; not to pass on information and seek clarification? Do people writing to the council think that there's some kind of privilege associated with their communication?

    1. When people communicate with the Council it is because they WANT to communicate with the Council and they want a response from the Council.

      If they want to communicate with the Board of Education, they know how to do that.

      The alternative is to DO THEIR JOB and excise OVERSIGHT over the Board of Education as they are entitled to do by law.

      But, if County Councilmembers are nothing more than receptionists taking messages for the Board of Education, parents and citizens should know that when they write to the Council.

      No one said anything about "seek clarification!" Nice try at deflecting what is going on. Pretty sure the Council is very CLEAR on MCPS. It's their choice to ignore them and be the big rubber stamp that they are.

    2. OK, Janis, I really wasn't trying to deflect. I was trying to understand. I am reading this site to become informed, not to advocate for one side or the other. I apologize if my question was misinterpreted or disrupted the exchange of comments.

    3. All discussion of how our local government works is good! Thanks for asking.

  3. Here's how 'our local government works.' It's very simple. Imagine a ping pong table. Now imagine two players and one little white plastic ball, the ping pong ball. One player is a member of the County Council. The other player is a member of the Board of Education. Your question is the ping pong ball. It just goes back and forth as one of the two players connect their racket to the little ball. Sometimes it falls off the table. At the end of the game one of the players puts the ball away. That's it.

  4. Not quite, I believe that the local government emulates nature by minimizing potential energy and maximizing entropy.


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