
Monday, October 26, 2015

Most MCPS Teachers Who Took Survey Oppose Eliminating Final Exams - Bethesda Beat - Bethesda, MD

Most MCPS Teachers Who Took Survey Oppose Eliminating Final Exams - Bethesda Beat - Bethesda, MD


  1. The BOE consists of intellectuals that attend symposiums to discuss high level philosophical topics on what is best for the future generation.

  2. This system has no interest in the opinions of teachers.

    At the last administrators' meeting my husband's school was shown in a video highlighting diversity work at the school. It featured some guy from central services bragging about the work he and the principal have done with teachers. My husband said he had no idea who the guy was and when he told other teachers about it they were shocked. The guy had been to the building a few times to talk with some administrators but never did work with the teaching staff. Yet there the school was featured as if there was great diversity work going on, no problems to be had. If they talked to the teachers there they would get a completely different picture.

    But, why would anyone in MCPS want to know what teachers think? That would be too logical.

    1. And yet, the TEACHERS picked the majority of the Board of Education!

      Maybe it's time for teachers to start participating in the Apple Ballot endorsement process. If teachers aren't getting what they want and need from THEIR candidates, it's time to start paying attention and endorse people that will actually listen to teachers.

    2. In other words, the teachers empower the Board of Education to go on perennial vacation.

    3. The teachers' union has hand picked the majority of the Board of Education officials. Hand picked. Not that they selected from applicants, they pick people and tell them to run and tell them they will have the Apple Ballot endorsement.

  3. Keep in mind some teachers can't afford to live the county so they don't vote for the board.

    Durso is the biggest surprise to me. It's like he was never a principal. He sits there listening to administrator's presentations that he has to know are nothing but lies. He can't be that much of an idiot.

    I heard Barclay say something about a dog and pony show at last week's meeting and I thought yeah, no kidding. Yet, they somehow let Bowers dismiss the comment, as if he knows anything about teaching. These board members never talk to teachers and if they do, teachers are too afraid to tell the truth I guess.

    1. Keep in mind? Sorry, that means nothing when the teachers have hand selected the candidates and endorsed them as the "teachers' picks." Teachers don't have to live in the County. Voters follow the teachers' lead and support their choices. The teachers get what they endorsed.

    2. It means a lot to the teachers who don't have a vote. I know my husband didn't get to hand select any of the candidates. You think that individual teachers have a great deal of power.

      The teachers in Mont. County don't go into the voting booths with the taxpayers. Teachers get blamed for everything. Please don't blame them for voters who don't pay attention to the BOE members whom they elect to spend a huge bulk of their tax dollars. No teacher forces taxpayers to vote like zombies because of an Apple ballot.

    3. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Voters ABSOLUTELY vote the Apple Ballot because TEACHERS TELL THEM TO!

      Work the polls and find out for yourself. Ask voters as they arrive. We have, and the chorus from voters is the same over and over, year after year after year:

      This is on TEACHERS. Teachers DO vote for their union officials. They DO have a vote in who gets on the BOE whether or not they live in the County. They do have a voice and they are free to speak out any day of the year. Instead, we have silence and the union does all the talking.

      The BOE that you get is the BOE that TEACHERS endorse and support.

  4. Voters do not have obey anyone. Voters do not have to obey teachers. Voters are individuals. Do you vote the way that teachers TELL you to vote? When I vote no one tells me how to vote.

    People need to take personal responsibility for themselves. The BOE we get is because of the way we choose to vote. Our tax dollars are spent the way we voters elect to spent them. No teachers enter the voting booths and force anyone to vote a particular way. That is truly unfair to blame teachers for citizens who choose not to pay attention to their own communities.

    To blame teachers for voters lacking personal responsibility, then that's it. Every problem in society is the fault of teachers and police officers.

    1. Sorry you can not have it both ways. Voters follow the teachers endorsements because they RESPECT teachers!

      Teachers need to take responsibility for the irresponsible elected officials THEY endorse.

      Or maybe teachers would prefer that voters have no respect for

      Teachers can not command respect, and then when a community DOES respect them, run, hide and whine.


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