
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Governor’s Task Force on the Implementation of a Dyslexia Education Program

If you live in Maryland and are the parent of a student with a reading difference like dyslexia, and your child has attended or now attends a Maryland public school, you are eligible to answer this survey.  Please forward and share this survey with other families.

We are writing to you on behalf of the Governor’s Task Force on the Implementation of a Dyslexia Education Program.  The Task Force includes professionals in the field of education, legislators, and parents who have been asked to respond to the requirements of House Bill 278.

Please distribute this survey to your parent outreach lists and/or complete the survey if you meet the criteria listed above. 

The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain data from parents of children with reading differences like dyslexia with regard to the identification and interventions for children with dyslexia and the educational services associated with such identification.

Responses to this questionnaire will help the Governor’s Task Force on the Implementation of a Dyslexia Education Program make recommendations to Governor Hogan and the Maryland General Assembly that will potentially change the education practices for students with reading difficulties and/or dyslexia in Maryland.

Please respond by November 30, 2015.  We apologize for the short time frame but recommendations are required by December 30, 2015 and the Task Force would like to include important parent feedback in the recommendations to the Governor.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to complete the survey. 


Laura Schultz
Parent Task Force Member
Lisa Blottenberger
Decoding Dyslexia MD Task Force Member
Governor’s Task Force on the Implementation of a Dyslexia Education Program

1 comment:

  1. It's about time someone looked into the corruption in MCPS. The man hours spent to deny services to children in need would be much better spent in the classroom giving kids the interventions they need. Perhaps that would also address the achievement gap.


If your comment does not appear in 24 hours, please send your comment directly to our e-mail address:
parentscoalitionmc AT