
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Peter Franchot: MCPS has "enormous ways to do better"

On November 9, 2015, Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot spoke at the Montgomery County Civic Federation meeting.

As part of his opening remarks, Comptroller Franchot called out Montgomery County Public Schools for spending almost twice per square foot what Alexandria spends to build school buildings.

Here is what Comptroller Franchot had to say: 

"...We're paying almost $500 a square foot to build schools in Montgomery County.  They just completed one that looks like the National Museum of Art, it's so beautiful, in Alexandria, for $250 a square foot.
I asked the folks well why are we building them so expensively?  And they said, well you don't understand. We have to build them to last for 100 years. What happens if the kids bang their heads against the walls in the hallway?  Quote, from the head of the construction, said what happens if the kids bang their heads, we have to build them, we have no choice. 

I said, what about the kids? What are we going to do for them? 
I mean it has become ludicrous, is what I am saying. There are enormous ways to do better ..."

1 comment:

  1. It is for the kids!!!

    Spend whatever is necessary! No need to value engineer or rebid. The County and Stste will simply collect more "revenue" to cover the busts!

    Maybe we should make James Song accountable for the busts is budgets between feasibility and construction! With a 10 cents on the dollar reduction in pay, he'd need to work the rest of his life for free to make the taxpayer whole.


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