
Monday, November 16, 2015

Tonight's Fib to the BOE: MCPS Staff Leaving Out that Field Trip Fees were used to pay for Artificial Turf

November 12, 2015, response from MCPS administrators:$file/151112%20Follow-up%20Qs%20Work%20Session%20151105.pdf

And, here's the facts that we already know.  MCPS transfers cash from overcharging for field trip fees that parents and guardians pay to the artificial turf fund.  Interesting how this transfer of cash was not mentioned in the information given to the Board of Education this week.  Why not?

How about that math? At $40,000 a year from field rentals, how will that equal $5.8 million in 10 years? Remember that the "partnership agreements" have just paid for the initial installation of the plastic grass.  Where are those extra millions coming from?  

Here is the information on the transfer of field trip cash from 2013:  

Parents, Your Field Trip Fees to pay for Artificial Turf

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