
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Petition: McDonald's Nutrition Education Curriculum Endorsed by Maryland PTA? No Thanks!

McDonald's sponsored the Maryland PTA conference/vacation and so Maryland PTA is now pushing McDonald's.   Some parents are not pleased with the financial arrangment between Maryland PTA and this private company and have started a petition requesting that Maryland PTA sever their ties with McDonald's.


We the undersigned are asking the Maryland PTA to:

1. Sever its sponsorship links with McDonald’s if those links require it to in any way promote the McDonald's brand or materials from McDonald's to children, teachers, parents or PTA members.

2. Send a statement to local PTAs in Maryland acknowledging the error of including these materials on the web site and stating that the fundamental mission of McDonald’s runs counter to the fundamental mission of schools, which includes educating children about good nutrition. In addition, this statement should clearly state that the Maryland PTA does not recommend the use of materials or speakers from McDonald’s for discussions of nutrition, nor fundraisers that promote foods of minimal nutritional value, such as teacher’s nights at McDonald’s.

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