
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

.@MoCoBOE spends $15,154 in one month fighting families of children with disabilities

Special education legal fees for outside counsel for September 2015 totaled $15,154.
The fiscal year-to-date (July-September) total is $27,090.

Can you think of other places MCPS could use $27,000? How about spending that money on an extra paraeducator for an overcrowded classroom? Sorry folks, MCPS thinks it is more important to beat down families who are trying to receive appropriate services for their children with disabilities.

It's time for taxpayers in Montgomery County to realize that the money wasted on fighting special education families could be better used to provide actual services to children.


  1. Bigger crime: MCPS pays approximately $15,000 a year to educate any student. If a special ed student is at a private school that costs $35,000 a year, the extra cost is only $20,000 and that amount is even reduced as the state chips in some monies received from federal funds. So, the monies used to battle parents could be applied to the tuition. Costs could further be reduced with a voucher system. Bottom line, the allegation that special ed students in private placements are breaking the bank is a false premise.

  2. And the fact is, most of the students MCPS is paying Krew to battle do not want expensive private placement. In many cases, the student and their families are asking for basic low cost/no cost accommodations that will help the student succeed.


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