
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

WJLA TV / ABC7: MCPS promises transparency amid radon scandal, later bans press from schools

In a written statement released Sunday afternoon, interim MCPS superintendent Larry Bowers promised to swiftly, and transparently, purge radon from all 28 school buildings impacted by the colorless-odorless gas that is widely linked to lung cancer.

On Monday, ABC7 News asked to speak on-camera with Mr. Bowers, but our request was denied; a spokeswoman saying Monday's agenda was simply too busy for Montgomery County's top educator.

ABC7 News also asked for permission to record video of the radon testing currently taking place at a number of schools, including Glenallan Elementary in Silver Spring. Again, our request was denied. The same spokeswoman claimed a television news camera would interfere with MCPS' primary mission of teaching children. Requests for photos of the testing apparatus were also denied.

Read and watch the entire story at:


  1. The mess is too transparent
    Unless you are the parent
    Who sends your kids to class
    Amidst colorless-odorless gas.

  2. Thanks Kevin Lewis and WJLA for keeping on this story, which is just the tip of the BOE iceberg. Too bad as usual the Post refuses to actually investigate. @PostBaron, are you the same person we saw portrayed in the movie, Spotlight? Hard to believe when you keep ignoring the local MCPS stories. We see a pattern here.


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