
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Exclusive Video: BOE Staff says, "I'm not an authority to accept the vote." #celltower #parklandmagnetmiddleschool

The Parents' Coalition has obtained exclusive video of the Parkland Magnet Middle School cell tower community meeting that was held on February 11, 2016.

At the meeting community, parents and PTA members took a vote to determine if there was any support, whatsoever, for the construction of a cell tower in the loading dock of Parkland Magnet Middle School.  As first reported here, the community meeting voted 53-0 to oppose the construction of this cell tower.

In the video of the meeting [at minute 10:35], you will hear the Board of Education representative say, "I'm not an authority to accept the vote."  Well, if a BOE staff member is not able to "accept" a vote of a community, who exactly is the "authority" that should have attended this meeting?  How is this community is to make their voice heard?

Note that when the Wootton High School community was opposed to the cell tower at that school, the Board of Education had no trouble understanding their position as expressed at the community meeting.  Wootton High School did not get a cell tower on their football field.  The proposal was stopped when the community meeting showed massive opposition to the plan.

Once again we see that different parts of the county are treated differently when it comes to putting a for-profit commercial compound on public school land. 


  1. Please clarify the date of this community meeting at Parkland.



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