
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Councilmembers Want Test of County (Not MCPS) Artificial Turf Fields for Lead, Chromium, Cadmium and Phthalates

Council Members Call on County to Test Artificial Turf Fields for Toxic Substances:

...A spokesperson for Montgomery Parks couldn’t be reached Tuesday morning. Patrick Lacefield, a spokesperson for Leggett, said he was looking into the county’s response to the testing request.
According to the Parents’ Coalition, a group that bills itself as a watchdog of Montgomery County Public Schools, Parks officials did test its artificial turf fields at Blair High School and Wheaton Regional Park in 2013.
The group recently republished a February 2013 email from Mike Riley, now the director of Montgomery Parks, in which Riley reported the lead content in turf fibers at the Blair High School field was less than could be measured.
Riley also wrote the maximum lead content found in the Wheaton Regional Park field was 8.88 milligrams per every kilogram, “far less than the threshold of 400 [milligrams per every kilogram] established by [Maryland Department of Environment], and less than found in typical eastern U.S. surface soils.”

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