
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Superintendent Jack R. Smith Can Have Outside Employment

In the contract for the new MCPS superintendent we find that once again the contract allows for outside employment.  Parents might think that the job of the MCPS superintendent is full-time, but in actuality the job allows for outside, paid employment.  The MCPS superintendent, as has been shown by past superintendents, it really just a figure head position.  
MCPS has more than enough administrators to run MCPS without a full-time, actively engaged superintendent. 

The Superintendent may engage in other employment or professional activities for compensation during the term of this Contract, so long as said activities do not interfere with his official duties and only after prior written approval of the Board, with such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. The Superintendent may accept and/or earn honoraria or compensation for such outside activities.


  1. In other words, the less you do the more you make.

  2. He also gets 25 days of vacation + 20 days of sick leave.

    And he gets every school holiday off.

    And $40,000 per year of deferred compensation to enjoy when he leaves.

    For all this, he'd better be a miracle worker.


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