
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Breaking: Paint Branch HS Plastic Grass has G-Max Ratings in Acceptable Range #gmax #artificialturf

3/30/2016 Paint Branch HS artificial turf inspection report

The Parents' Coalition has obtained a copy of this year's G-Max (shock absorption) test results for Paint Branch High School's plastic grass football field.  Here's what the report says:
Observations/Recommendations: Continue established maintenance schedule, field appears to be very well maintained.  Regularly monitor infill depths of high wear areas (goals, creases, penalty kicks, center of field) and add rubber infill as needed.  Continue annual GMAX testing to ensure proper performance of field. 
The G-Max readings for the Paint Branch High School field put the field in the acceptable range for shock absorption according to most industry standards.  The chart below shows where the Paint Branch field falls with regard to most standards.

Contrast the Paint Branch G-Max readings with the Walter Johnson High School readings that put the WJ field off this chart in to the caution/danger zones.

PB = Paint Branch G-Max results    WJ = Walter Johnson G-Max results

Here is what the Walter Johnson High School artificial turf inspection report said about the condition of the WJ field.  Contrast these observations and recommendations with the Paint Branch report above.

7/11/2016 Walter Johnson HS artificial turf inspection report

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