
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Office of Legislative Oversight Survey on Out-of-Schooltime Activities

Please complete the survey, per the email below. This survey has been extended through Saturday, so there is a short timeline. The responses will be used for the County Council to make decisions on these out-of-school-time activities.

From: "Friedland, David" <>
Date: July 18, 2017 at 7:08:13 AM PDT
To: "" <>
Subject: We Want Your Opinion (Survey Closes This Friday 7/18
The Montgomery County Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) conducts research to assist the County Council in fulfilling its oversight function. OLO is currently assessing the supply of and demand for out of school time (OOST) activities in the County, and has developed this anonymous survey to gather information and feedback from PTA members in the County.
OOST activities include before- and after-school programs, summer school, summer programs and camps, Saturday school, extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, and music, faith-based classes and clubs, and other enrichment activities for school-age children. OOST activities can be public or private.
Completing the survey will take approximately 20 minutes. Please ignore this email if you have already completed the survey.
Click here to start the survey.  The survey closes this Friday, July 21. (NOTE: this deadline has been extended through Saturday, July 22)
A Spanish version of the survey is available here.
Your responses are completely anonymous. Responses to this survey will not be traced back to respondents. No personally identifiable information is collected unless you voluntarily offer personal or contact information in any of the comment fields.
To help OLO obtain feedback from as many parent s as possible, we encourage you to forward this survey to PTA officers and members in your clusters.
OLO appreciates your time. Your responses will help us develop a better understanding of the current provision of out of school time activities in the County. If you have problems or questions regarding the survey, please contact or call (240) 777-7836.
Thank you again for your time and input.
Montgomery County Office of Legislative Oversight

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