
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Parents Opposed to Cell Tower on Roof of Northwest High School

NWHS cell tower meeting
 Once again, another Montgomery County community says NO to a cell tower on public school property.

Board of Ed put radio frequency
consultant on Skype
At the July 18, 2017, meeting at Northwest High School parents were vocal in their opposition to the Board of Education's plan to put a cell tower on the roof of the school.  Even though the Board of Education only gave the community 6 days notice of the summer meeting, the meeting was well attended with over 50 parents and community members in the audience.

When will the Montgomery County Board of Education get the message that Montgomery County parents do not want cell towers on public school playgrounds or on public school rooftops?


  1. An oversized lighting arrester?

  2. As a parent of future NW student I find the ignorance of this group and the refusal to acknowledge actual scientific evidence as short sighted and an extremely bad example for our children. I suppose you also did not get your kids vaccinated for measles and will destroy herd immunity for the rest of us. Stop being ignorant and realize that cell coverage is a net positive for overall safety of children and staff.

    1. You might want to educate yourself. This tower is not about cell coverage. We already have that. This tower is so that your refrigerator and washing machine can be connected to the Internet.
      Set a good example for your kids and learn how these towers do not pay their required property taxes. Teach your kids how public schools in our state are funded. They are funded through property taxes and these towers have not been paying their share.

    2. There are two issues: RF radiation — at any distance from a child's body — has never been tested to be safe. On the contrary, actually. Over 400+ peer-reviewed studies prove that is harmful to the body in ways that range from dizziness and sleep disturbances to oxidative stress on the cells, a precursor to cancer. Secondly, commercialization of our school grounds is a slippery slope. It makes the school "for sale" which invites vendors (strangers) to frequent the school — to erect and maintain cell facilities, to replace billboards, to...fill in the blank. Unless the "product" enhances "inspires learning", it really has no rightful place on school (taxpayer) property, according to the MCPS mission:

    3. Worried about the cell tower stock value?
      Have we had our prune juice this morning?

  3. I am surprised that MCEA isn't interested in this issue. It is their members who will be sitting in the rooms closest to these towers for hours every day for 8-9 months. Where are the teachers?

    1. High tech gadgets are the opium of the masses.

  4. Additional cell towers may also be required as part of federal requirements for 911 calls location requirements. I was at the meeting and was surprised that this was not discussed by the presenters. Seemed somewhat disingenuous to me. I also agree, it was odd and obviously deliberate that the issue of most concern - the RF science and radiation - was given via Skype, with very poor reception and mostly garbled, so the people attending could not hear most of what was being said.

  5. Any decision yet?

    1. Oh hon, this decision was made a l-o-o-n-g time ago. The public meetings are just for show.

    2. Do they serve sweets and refreshments?

    3. Yes, sometimes these meetings do serve refreshments.

      While MCPS try to make these cell tower decisions on their own without public notice, once the public knows the position of the Board of Education is that if the community says no, the cell tower does not go up. This community said no.

      Any cell tower construction needs the approval of our elected Board of Education in a public vote.


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