
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Montgomery County State Delegation Fall Meeting Schedule

Montgomery County Delegation Fall Annual Meeting Schedule for Transportation and Local Legislation
The following four Delegation meetings will all take place at 7pm in the 3rd Floor Hearing Room, Stella Werner Council Office Bldg., 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850. The meetings will be carried live over County Cable Montgomery (Channel 6 on Comcast and Channel 30 on Verizon) and can also be live streamed on County Cable Montgomery's website:

  • Thursday, November 2, 2017 - Consolidated Transportation Program Presentation ("Road Show") by the Maryland Department of Transportation.
  • This is a presentation of the state’s proposed spending plan for transportation. Elected officials are invited to ask questions and the public is welcome to attend.
  • Monday, November 13, 2017 - Joint House and Senate Priorities Hearing.
  • This hearing is an opportunity for the public to respond to the Road Show and to bring other issues of importance for the 2018 Session to the attention of the legislators. Individuals and organizations are invited to testify.
  • Monday, December 4, 2017- Bill Hearing #1 on local/bi-county bills
  • Local bills refer to legislation affecting issues specific to Montgomery County. Bi-County bills refer to legislation that requires the approval of the Montgomery County and the Prince George’s County Delegations.
  • Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - Bill Hearing #2 on local/bi-county bills

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