
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Residents want land reserved now for future Montgomery Co. schools

WASHINGTON — More public schools eventually will be needed in Montgomery County, and land should be set aside for them today.
That’s what several residents told county leaders at a public hearing Tuesday night.
The Montgomery County Council is considering a plan for new development in a 460-acre, bowtie-shaped area centered near the intersection of Rockville Pike and Montrose Road.
The White Flint 2 Sector Plan recommends changing largely commercial properties, especially shopping centers, into mixed-use centers.
That could lead to as many as 6,000 new homes in the area, and existing residents say more schools are needed sooner than later.
“Two years ago, we testified that a tsunami of students is headed to the Walter Johnson Cluster. It is now arriving,” said Wendy Calhoun.
“Take this opportunity now to reserve land in this plan, and don’t kick the can down the road. We just can’t afford it,” Kip Edwards, president of the Garrett Park Estates-White Flint Park Civic Association, told the council...


  1. We have land reserved and all our electeds do is give it away for almost nothing. What is the guarantee this land would ever be used to benefit the school children and our communities?

    1. Elected officials elect to select, distribute and collect.


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